 Astro Berlin Gauss Tachar 75mm f2.0

Lens Data

Lens Unit

Lens Photo

レンズ構成:4群6枚 ダブルガウス型

Production: around 1957
Composition: 4group 6lens Double Gauss type

Lens Impression



Astro Berlin has two major lines of normal/middle range focal length lens. One is Pan Tachar series which has a Speedic type 4group 4lens composition. The other is this Gauss Tachar series which has Double Gauss type 4group 6lens composition. Both series comply with the Patent of Speedic and Opic made by H.W.Lee of TTH company. I am wondering if Bielicke and Lee have been keeping some relations 
because they had beed working in British Lens Manufactures (Bielicke in Ross) at the same time and the application of Lee's Speedic and Bielicke's Tachar were made almost at the same timing.

The description of both lens is somehow different becuase of their composition. Pan Tachar shows some flare at full aperture of f1.8 which improve much to close a little and swirling bokeh which appears at full aperture decrease accordingly. It show little 2 lines bokeh, so I can enjoy the rhythmic taste of bokeh coming from non-symmetrical lens type.
Gauss Tachar gives very sharp and stable description from full aperture of f2 because the full aperture of f2 is not such challenging for Double Gauss. But the sperical correction seems to be an over correction which shows a little edges in the back bokeh at around full  aperture. However, such 2 lines bokeh can be thinned to arrange the distance of main subjects and the distance of the back. I can say it is one of the best lens to take photos at near field where it fives both sharpness and nice atomosphere.

 Photos with Astro Belrin Gauss Tachar 75mm
Tokyo downtown


I enjoyed walking from Sumida river area to Asakusa. Gauss Tachar shows favorable sharp and stable description to the main focused subject. The bokeh in the back sometimes shows harder edges.
In the photos of light cubes, you can see the bokeh consists not only with edges because fo sperical aberrations over correction but also flare by Coma aberration at around peripheral area.  This is also the typical characteristic of Double Gauss normal compositions.