Leitz Canada Elcan 2inch f2.0

Lens Data

Lens Unit

Lens Photo

構成: 5群7枚
製造年 : 1958年
設計者 : ウォルター・マントラー
その他 : 不明

Composition 5groups 7lenses
Year : 1958
Designer : Walter Mandler

others : N.A.

Elcan 2inch

Elcan 50mm for KE-7A

Lens Impression

「ELCANレンズ」は、ライツカナダが550台製作し、うち460台を米陸軍に納入したM4ベースのカメラ「KE-7A」に装着されている「ELCAN 50mm」レンズが有名ですが、それと今回の「ELCAN 2インチ」レンズはまったく別のレンズであり、設計も異なります。

上記のレンズ構成図のように、KE-7AのELCAN 50mmは4群4枚のエルノスター構成です。一般にこのシンプルな構成はズミクロン50mmからのスペックダウンとも言われておりますが、わずか550台のスペックダウンのために新たな設計をするとは考えにくく、やはり、軍用ということを考慮して、軽量化と貼り合わせ面をなくすことによる多様な使用環境下でのトラブルを極小化したと考えるのが妥当なように思えます。

一方、今回のELCAN 2インチは、5群7枚という贅沢な構成。これとまったく同じ構成を持つレンズに、有名な初代ズミルックス35mmf1.4があります。



ELCAN 50mm lens is famous for the standard lens fit on KE-7A camera which was designed by Leitz Canada and made only 550 sets. 460 sets out of 550 were supplied into US Army.
But this particular lens ELCAN 2 inch is the complete different designed lens.

As you can see above, the composition of ELCAN 50mm on KE-7A is Ernostar type with 4goups4lenses. Some opinion says it is a spec downlens from Summicron 50mm, but I do not think it is unrealistic to re-design the standard lens only for 550 production, but I estimate its purpose to reduce its weight and also to avoid any trouble to use the lens under various severe condition in US Army activity.

On the other hand, this Elcan 2inch has gorgeous 5groups7lenses composition thich is the same composition with the famous 1st Summilux 35mmf1.4lens.
The desigmer of both lens is Dr. Walter Mandler(1922-2005) who should have been admired together with Max Berek as the designer of Leica's fundamental standerd lenses Summicron,  Summilux and Noctilux.

Summilux 35mmf1.4 became famous as 'Nijimi Lens', but this ELCAN shows very sharp description on the contrary.

For what purpose this ELCAN 2inch was made??
I have never read the certain explanations, there are opinion to indicate it for Enlarging or Aerial Camera.
As you can see above lens photo, the direction of numbers of aperture ring is opposite which might be convenient to see the lens set the front face down.

 Photos with Elcan 2 inch

The ancient Himiko’s tomb??  I moved from Hashihaka Kofun(ancient remains) to Fujiwara Kyo ancient imperial capital remains. I found there were covered by full bloom of Cosmos flowers. Then moved to Hase-dera temple and enjoyed good French cuisine at Auberge. After there I visited Uji town in where talked with some people with enjoying fine green teas.At last as usual, I moved to Kyoto. At Gion, I was surprised to find red light of fire engines, but luckily it seems it was just a small fire or warning.
The description of this ELCAN 50mmf2.0 configured with Summilux35 composition is always stable, and supported my trip surely including its firm bokeh.
Yoyogi Koen Jamaican fest.

Every photo shows very clear description as you see. I think its tranparency is so high ,too. Bokeh is also so simple without particular taste, and not such hard as that of Summicron 50mm. I think this ELCAN 2 inch is one of the most excellent Leitz lens.