 Kern Macro Switar 50mm f1.8

Lens Data

Lens Unit

Lens Photo

・製造メーカー : Kern
・製造番号 : 1063621
・設計者 : Hans Schlumpf(Walter Lotmar)
・製造年 : 1958-
・特許番号 :
・特許申請日 :
・レンズ構成 : 5群7枚
・重量 : 339g(マウント改造後)
・最小絞り値 : 22
・絞り枚数 : 9
・最短撮影距離 : 1 feet
・マウント : ALPA→ライカMに改造

Lens Impression

1951年以降スイスのアアラウ(aarau)のケルン(kern)社でALPA用の標準レンズが製造され始めた。初めの1951-55年の間はmacroの付かないKern Aarau Switar 50mm F1.8 ARレンズが製造され、1958年から5群7枚のこのMacro-Switar50mmf1.8に代わり、1969年まで製造が続いた。スイターは約1/8倍、マクロスイターは1/3倍の接写が可能。1968年には5群8枚に設計変更されたMacro-Switar50mmf1.9が製造開始されている。



マクロスイターの設計者は同社エンジニアHans Schlumpfであるが、彼は2枚貼り合わせを得意としていたらしく、スイス政府に申請したレンズの特許の多くが貼り合わせレンズを多く使用している。1958年には2枚貼り合わせ5群のみを使用したf0.9の大口径レンズの特許を申請したりしている。(CH361673 )

しかし、Hansの先輩であるWalter Lotmarはスイターの設計に大きく関わったであろうし、その後 Raimond Stettler, Walter Zuercherなど優秀なレンズ設計陣を輩出したKern社はおそらくチーム一丸で最初のスイターを作り上げたに違いない。

ちなみに、Switarの名称は「Switzerland-Aarau」から、Yverというレンズ名は「Yverdon und Aarau(Yverdonはパイヤール社の開発部門があった場所)」から来ているらしい。


Photos with Kern Macro Switar 50mm

Shinagawa kaijo koen


I took some photos with a deigital camera in between taking 4x5 photos with
Charles Chevalier lens.
Macro Switar 50mmf1.8 is a very good lens to use with bright contrast, the most fascinating points for me are slight blur on focused subject as veil and melting back side bokeh at a proper distance.. I think the latter bokeh is not very distinguishable this time but I love the very slight blur on the face of models.

Tennouzu in rain


You can find strong rain falling linear in some pictures. It was a really unfortunate weather to take photo, Macro Switer gave me usual sharp and transparent image.



You can find Macro Switar's specific dissolving bokeh behind flowers in the first several photos..
However this type of bokeh does not appear on photos of Lespedeza flowers which shows rather normal
 a little 2 lines bokeh. I enjoy such taste.
If you close apperture more than f5.6, you can get very sharp and clear photos as you see.

some comfortable day


One day when the sunshine is very pleasant. I took a walk a little towards a suburb from the city. The aperture of these photos are almost f5.6-8.0. Characteristic bokeh taste of this lens isn't seen so much, but on the other hand, the outline of the subject starts to be emphasized more clearly, and they seem to be coming up towards me. Such kind of change of the description is also one of the pleasure of the old lens, don’t you think?

Chiswick House


I think that the real features of this lens both good clear description of the focus portion and the characteristic bokeh taste have come out well. The rear bokeh is phantasmagoric that is sometimes in the shape of a round egg and sometimes dissolving shape, but the splendor of the three-dimensional impression is unchange.



This is first Macro-Switar using abroad, but clear description and the characteristic of the bokeh of the back side seem to come out well. Although bokeh has a little tight outline, it does not become into the double image (2 lines) bokeh, but becomes an image which is likely oozing out. As seen in 5th photos in second row, the comatic aberration remaining seems to make the boke of the light as biased. Above all, the saleswoman of hot wine of the 1-2nd photos was really a beautiful girl.


日本橋に買い物に行くついでに、マクロ・スイター 50mmf1.8を持ち出しました。非常に素直な描写の中に、なんとなく「やさしい」味わいを醸し出してくれるレンズです。ヘリコイドは約30cmまで回るのですが、R−D1だと80cmくらいで距離計連動が外れてしまうのが本当に残念です。

I took Macro-Switar 50mmf1.8 with going to Nihonbashi for shopping. In very neutral description, it is a lens given me somehow "gentle" taste. Although Helicoid turns around to about 30cm, it is really regrettable that range finder linkage works until about 80cm with R-D1. Under the fluorescent lamp in the department store, it shows quite good color appearance, and also pleases me more under the mixture light of the electric bulb and daylight which heaping up an atmosphere more.


久しぶりに青山をぶらぶらと。さすがにお洒落なディスプレイが多いですね。魅力的なマネキンさんがいましたので、何枚も撮ってしまいました。たまには白黒もいい感じです。このLマウントのMacro-Switar50mmf1.8は見事に質感まで写し出してくれたと思います。また、動いている人物が被写体でも、けっこうさわやかにピントがきてくれます。R-D1 75mm相当でこれくらいあってくれるとかなりうれしいですね。

Also after a long absence I walked around Aoyama area. There are many indeed stylish displays. Because there were many attractive mannequins, I took photos. It is good for making black and white photos sometimes. I think that Macro-Switar50mmf1.8 of this L mount have splendidly expressed the textures. Moreover, a focus comes fairly freshly to the person who is moving. I am glad that I could find such lens in 75mm of R-D1. If I go into the back street, there are quite many restaurants of an Asian taste. It is regrettable that a building with extreme cheap restaurant ‘Genka-ya’ is under construction. This restaurant in front of that, I can feel as Hong Kong to see only this part.

Inperial Palace

GWの初日用として、久々にKern Macro Switarを選択しました。開放で接写しないとなかなか滲みレンズという感じではないですが、相変わらず抜群の解像力で活躍してくれます。

After a long absence, as for the first day of GW, I chose Kern Macro-Switar. It is not a typical bokeh lens without taking photos at a close distance in full aperture, but plays an very active role with the distinguished resolution same as usual. Speaking of an azalea, Nezu Shrine is famous, but the crowd is terrible, too. However, although it is no charge here, it is almost empty, and is just a good place known to few people. Azalea was such full bloom as I could not see leaves. And bamboo shoots are coming out in such center of Tokyo. When taking with a little closed diaphragm , and the bokeh resembled with Hector 73mm, I felt.